Past Events
Following you find the list of all past events.
9/6/2024 - Mar Narsai Malapana - School Session BeginsMar Narsai Malapana Friday School season begins at 7:00pm.
(more)8/17/2024 - 30th Annual Assyrian Food Festival30th Annual Assyrian Food Festival will be held on Saturday & Sunday,
August 17th & 18th, 2024.
(more)8/15/2024 - Dukhrana d’Mart Maryam The Blessed VirginRaza Qaddisha will start at 10:00am.
(more)8/7/2024 - Assyrian Martyr’s DayAugust 7 is recognized by Assyrians worldwide as Assyrian Martyrs Day.
(more)8/6/2024 - Feast of the Transfiguration of our Lord Savior Jesus ChristFeast of the Transfiguration of our Lord Savior Jesus Christ on Mount Tabor.
(more)7/15/2024 - Mar Yosip Children’s Ministry Culture CampMar Yosip Children’s Ministry Culture Camp will be hold from July 15th through July 19th.
(more)7/14/2024 - Dukhrana d’Mar Yosip KhnanishoWe will celebrate Dukhrana d’Mar Yosip Khnanisho (our Patron Saint) following Raza Qaddisha.
(more)7/7/2024 - Dukhrana d’Mar TomaWe will celebrate Dukhrana d’Mar Toma.
(more)7/6/2024 - Nusardil PicnicThe annual Nusardil Picnic.
(more)6/23/2024 - Graduation Award CeremonyGraduation Ceremony for High School, College & University Students will be held on Sunday, June 23, 2024 following the Raza Qaddisha.
(more)6/17/2024 - Mar Yosip Children's Ministry - Vacation Bible SchoolMar Yosip Parish Children's Ministry will hold a Vacation Bible School from JUne 17th through June 21st.
(more)6/16/2024 - Father’s DayBreakfast will be served in honor of fathers.
(more)6/2/2024 - Mar Narsai Malapana Graduation CeremonyGraduation Ceremony for Mar Narsai Malapana Assyrian Language School.
(more)5/19/2024 - Feast of PentecostThe commemoration of the descent of the Holy Spirit upon the Apostles.
(more)5/15/2024 - Dukhrana d'Mart MaryamDukhrana meal will be prepared and offered to parishioners.
(more)5/12/2024 - Mother's DayBreakfast will be served by Youth group in honor of all mothers, following the Holy Qurbana.
(more)5/11/2024 - Kalu-Solaqa Picnic (more)5/9/2024 - Feast of the Ascension of Our Lord (more)4/28/2024 - Dukhrana Mar GewargisDukhrana Mar Gewargis will be celebrated after Raza Qaddisha.
(more)3/31/2024 - The Holy Feast of the Resurrection of Our Lord Jesus ChristThe Holy Feast of the Resurrection of Our Lord Jesus Christ (Eater Sunday) Holy Qurbana.
(more)3/30/2024 - Saturday of Light (Easter Vigil), Shaharta & Holy Qurbana (more)3/29/2024 - Friday of the Passion of our LordFriday of the Passion of our Lord
Prayers start at 7pm.
(more)3/28/2024 - Thursday of the Passover of our LordThursday of the Passover of our Lord.
(more)3/24/2024 - Palm Sunday & Easter bazarPalm Sunday (Khoshebet Oushana)
Raza Qaddisha starts at 10:00am, followed by Easter bazar.
(more)3/6/2024 - Wednesday of Mid-Lent (Palou) - PotluckWednesday of Mid-Lent (Palou).
(more)2/11/2024 - Beginning of Sawma Rabba - The Great FastSawma Rab-ba.
(more)2/4/2024 - Commemoration of Mar Benyamin Shimun XXI - Catholicos Patriarch and MartyrCommemoration (dukhrana) of Mar Benyamin Shimun XXI, Catholicos Patriarch and Martyr.
(more)2/4/2024 - 14th Annual Mar Yosip Parish Tea TimeCome and join us for the 14th Annual Mar Yosip Parish Tea Time.
(more)1/24/2024 - Rogation of Ninevites - Day 3 The third day of Rogation of Ninevites – The Evening Prayers begin at 7:00pm and the celebration of the Raza Qaddisha begins at 8pm on each day for the Rogation.
(more)1/23/2024 - Rogation of Ninevites - Day 2The second day of Rogation of Ninevites – The Evening Prayers begin at 7:00pm and the celebration of the Raza Qaddisha begins at 8pm on each day for the Rogation.
(more)1/22/2024 - Rogation of Ninevites - Day 1The first day of Rogation of Ninevites – The Evening Prayers begin at 7:00pm and the celebration of the Raza Qaddisha begins at 8pm on each day for the Rogation.
(more)1/7/2024 - Dukhrana d’Mar Zaya & Mar Tawar and Palat-ta d’Slewa for the Feast of the EpiphanyDear Mar Yosip Parish Members,
Greetings and peace be with you.
(more)1/6/2024 - Feast of the Epiphany of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ - Holy Qurbana (more)12/31/2023 - 2024 New Year’s Eve PartyThis is our annual New Year's Eve party which is primarily held for our church parishioners and their guests only.
(more)2/9/2020 - THE SAINT - Mar Yosip Khanisho - DocumentaryCome and see the documentary premier of our church Patron Saint, Mar Yosip Khnanisho.
(more)10/25/2019 - Restaurant NightMar Yosip Youth presents
DJ Restaurant Night
Friday, October 25th
7pm - 11pm
Starlite Banquet Hall
Donation: Adults $25 - Kids $15